ponedeljek, 29. november 2010

Jay-Z's "Decoded" Breaks Into Best Seller's List


Jay-Z's new book Decoded is now on the the New York Times bestseller's list. Hope he gives a lil toast to Oprah for this one.  Find out what spot the book holds when you read on....

Jay-Z is known for topping Billboard charts but now the rapper's literary work is on the New York Times bestseller's list. His first book Decoded currently holds the third spot on the list. The top two spots are held by former president George Bush and his autobiography and Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken

Decoded gives fans insight into Jay-z's lyrics and his life. The book was included on Oprah's 'Favorite Things' show last week and is in the top ten sellers on Amazon.com.  The New York Times says, "Decoded gives the reader a harrowing portrait of the rough worlds Jay-Z navigated in his youth, while at the same time deconstructing his lyrics."

Congrats to Hov. Looks like his Midas touch is in full effect....

Source: http://theybf.com/2010/11/29/jay-zs-decoded-breaks-into-best-sellers-list

Tamala Jones Tami Donaldson Tamie Sheffield Tara Conner

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